
Open: July-August: Every day from 10.00h to 14.00h, and from 16.00h to 20.00h. September-June: Every day from 10.00h to 14.00h, and from 16.00h to 18.30h. Situated 3 kilometres from Nerja town centre and well signposted. Undergound caverns with stalagmites, stalagtites & columns The world's widest column Grand centre column in the Sala del Cataclismo (Cataclysm Hall) reaches a height of 32 metres Karstic cavities formed by erosion of marble by water Palaeolithic wall paintings Restaurant Museum These are breathtaking beautiful caves, some of the best in Europe, that should not be missed if the opportunity arises. Each July a festival of flamenco music and dance is held inside the caves. It is possible to explore some of the chambers and caverns not yet open to the public by joining a speleological group, consisting of a maximum 10 people over the age of 14. No special physical skills are necessary. For enquiries the number to ring is the same as below. Scientists investigating cave fauna have recently discovered species that were thought to be extinct in the caves. Amongst these, in areas not open to the public, are scarab beetles and blind scorpions. Alberto Atinavt, department head at the University of Granada, is carrying out studies on the interior and exterior micro fauna of the cave. Located at: Cueva de Nerja, Maro, Nerja 29787 Tel: 952 529 520 For more information see Source